From leading marketing and innovation functions to serving as the chief of staff to the chairman and CEO, culminating in managing director of Residential HVAC, Arch has had an impressive career in the HVAC industry.
The event is scheduled for 2 p.m. (Eastern time) Thursday, September 7, and can be accessed from anywhere. Real-life examples, as well as tips and insight on improving building systems, will be discussed.
Numerous obstacles, including mild weather, a lack of demand, a shallow pool of skilled tradespeople, increased competition, inflation, supply chain shortages, and more, have stood in the way of contracting success throughout cooling season.
There are a variety of events and activities where both money and time are being invested but possibly not closely scrutinized, although they should be.
In order for HVAC contractors to start offering financing if they aren’t already, they have to take the time find the right lender/finance company, train their staff, and invest in understanding what it means for their customers and their company in order to make it profitable enough to outweigh any associated costs.
If you’re thinking about selling your business within the next year, interest rates will have a definite impact on the number of buyers who will be able to offer top dollar for your company.