The seminar, sponsored by Women in HVACR and hosted by David Squires, owner of Online-Access Inc. and Mike Layton, owner of Stochastic Marketing LLC, offered seeds of information for HVAC contractors to bring home, plant, and create the most fruitful marketing garden to grow their business from.
Reliable Heating & Air, a provider of heating, air conditioning, plumbing, electrical, and home performance residential and commercial service acquired an HVACR technical school. The school is located at 9540 Tara Boulevard in Jonesboro, Georgia. The facility was formerly known as the Laurus Technical Institute and is currently undergoing renovation in anticipation of accepting students by summer 2017. This marks the second acquisition by Reliable Heating & Air in the past year.
The International Copper Association Inc. (ICA) and Optimized Thermal Systems Inc. (OTS) announced a new technology outreach program on the design and use of heat exchangers made with MicroGroove™ smaller diameter copper tubes.
To support the company’s growth, Navien announced that the New Jersey Training Academy and Tech Call Center has doubled in size with a move to a new larger, conveniently located space in Moorestown.
During the four-day event, HARDI announced the re-launch of one of its four strategic pillars, Education, which will serve as the new Talent pillar and provide a broader scope of services and resources to members as it relates to their employees and workforce development.
The Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA) has taken a unique and intriguing approach to ensuring HVAC’s future success through its student chapters program.
In 2008, the state of Iowa passed statewide legislation requiring all HVAC technicians to be licensed. It’s a measure other states have taken, as well, with each state having unique criteria to determine the steps necessary to acquire such a license.
In light of recent action to amend the Montreal Protocol to phase down the production and consumption of HFCs globally, industry experts will share guidance on how to incorporate low-global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants at the ASHRAE 2017 Winter Conference.
Florida Technical College (FTC) Kissimmee Campus officially opened its new Construction Trade and Technology Education Center. The facilities are a modern training ground for a number of construction disciplines, including HVAC, electrical, and welding.
This course explains the benefits of combining modern air-to-water heat pumps with state-of-the-art hydronic delivery systems that provide space heating, cooling, and domestic water heating in both residential and commercial applications.