Customer retention marketing bolsters your marketing plan with the easiest strategies you can put to use to bring in sales for your contracting business. Need a reminder why that’s a good thing?
Gone are the days of throwing your name into the phone book of your choice in your area or putting your number on the side of a truck and watching the phones light up. In today’s ever-evolving world, the complexity of marketing seems to grow every day.
It’s not out of the ordinary for an HVAC contracting company to share a building with another business; however, in this case, both businesses share equal ownership by the Squires brothers.
While driving into work after rejoining The NEWS team, I was formulating story ideas when suddenly I noticed an HVAC truck in front of me — basically white with simple information. I snapped a photo and continued driving to the office. (Please don’t send me letters about distracted driving; I was stopped at a light.)
The digital age reinforces two timeless messages of marketing. First, know your audience, and second, allow them to respond to you in the manner they prefer. Offer options.
As a contractor, you spend a lot of money to bring new customers to your businesses. You have to worry about the intricacies of marketing and advertising, and you try your best to treat every customer like gold…until you don’t.
Distributors can create a market advantage for themselves and their customers by responding to shifts in consumer behaviors as well as providing marketing and advertising options that are aligned with current trends.
As behavioral psychologists noted in an article published on National Center for Biotechnology Information, “the subjective value of a reward decreases with increasing delay to its receipt.”