Do you want to know which marketing techniques are working to generate leads now? You might be surprised to find out that the Internet has not taken over the world, yet.
Nortek Inc., a leading global manufacturer of branded residential and commercial ventilation, HVAC, and technology products, announced that Almon C. Hall III, Kevin W. Donnelly, and Edward J. Cooney have each been promoted to the position of senior vice president of Nortek.
What type of deal is best to offer in a marketing campaign? Is it best to offer free or discounted products? A prize offer? Or is it best just to explain the features or benefits of the equipment you sell or services you offer?
Have you heard about the extreme couponing craze? From the women I talk to at church to the bloggers I read online, it seems like everyone is going gaga for coupons these days.
When it comes to small HVAC contractors drawing attention to themselves, they find putting a company name on the back of a jersey, buying ads in a hometown newspaper, and volunteering for a service project becomes a way to draw attention to the company.
Everyone has been challenged (more than once) to prove why their product is better. When customers ask “why?” they really want to know: What’s in it for me?
What was, isn’t anymore. Why do I begin this article with a completely undiagrammable sentence? Because most things in business now aren’t following diagrams either.