According to industry experts, it’s all too common for contractors to make the mistake of waiting until they’re desperate to sell before properly assessing their company’s value and working to make it attractive to potential buyers.
At the end of the day, it is imperative that contractors do not lose focus of the fundamentals, which, in the HVAC world, include performing a correct installation while providing superior customer service.
Even if writing isn’t your thing (or if you simply don’t have the time to devote to it), your company can still have quality, timely, relevant content on its website — content that will not only translate to sales leads, but also help establish your company as a trustworthy source of information within your community.
Let’s imagine a call is booked with your company, but the customer calls in to cancel. What happens next? Do your customer service representatives (CSRs) simply say, “OK, thanks”? Every successful company should have a plan for following up on lost opportunities along with missed opportunities.
I recently had the opportunity to present “PR University: Building Your Business with Public Relations” to the HARDI Sales and Marketing Conference in San Diego. I was impressed with the audience’s interest, engagement and enthusiasm for the topic. And there’s a good reason for that. Because your industry, like others, is changing in significant ways, and PR can significantly help grow and protect your business.
Family businesses have long been a mainstay of the industry, and multigenerational companies are proud of their HVACR heritages. And, in spite of the challenges, many contractors have successfully passed the torch to succeeding generations and are now planning for future transitions.
Jeff Hamstra decided it was time to start his own company after his employer at the time passed away and the leadership role had been passed to his employer’s son.
More than three-quarters — 77 percent — of consumers who decided on the brand they wanted to purchase before choosing the installing contractor used the internet to research their purchases.These are the buying habits of your customers. It is important that you know this information and, more importantly, that you know how to use it to your advantage.
We are all doing our parts working toward a mutual goal of company success. While a pleasant and relaxed family atmosphere is of the utmost importance here, we do our best to keep a healthy balance in terms of coworker relationships.
Ask my wife and she’ll pull out a list a half-mile long referencing every time I’ve been guilty of hearing, but not really listening. But what’s the difference between hearing and listening, and why is one so much more important when it comes to our relationships with others?