HVAC.com has recently launched a redesigned website. HVAC.com’s new look offers visitors an enhanced user experience while adding engaging options for advertisers.
Online reviews are a good example of the positive and the negative of the internet. They can be a great way to help decide which products and services to buy. They can be a great way to help others make these decisions. And they can be a fount of lies.
The purpose of the innovation center is to improve new product development and speed-to-market capabilities and to help make northwest Ohio a hub for HVAC engineering and innovation.
HVAC manufacturers are in an interesting position when it comes to training and educating the industry’s next generation. While there is no black-and-white solution when it comes to addressing the technician shortage and ensuring there are enough people coming into the industry to satisfy demand, many manufacturers are doing their part by providing training opportunities wherever and whenever possible.
In the Aug. 28 issue of this publication, I discussed how sales is a two-step process. The three major things customers use to decide who to hire include trust, feeling listened to, and getting a good deal (price is a part of this). If the first two aren’t addressed, customers almost always default to price.
The reason innovations fail is not because of technology. It’s never about the technology. Innovations fail because of people. The people who might employ a new technology may not be sold on it. Or they might be afraid of it. Or they might feel threatened by it. However, the biggest threat to a new innovation your company is trying to develop will be your own people.
Aved Electro-mechanical Box Build Assemblies are fully optimized for design and manufacturability (DFM) to provide a complete connectorized solution that is 100 percent tested for continuity and supplied as a single product with one SKU. In addition to design and procurement, OEM benefits include sourcing based upon real-world experience, process control, 3-D modeling, documentation, and fully evolved manufacturing and testing procedures.
Controls Group North America (CGNA) met in Chicago on Sept. 7-8, for its 2017 Fall Synergy Conference. “Engagement ” was the theme of a very focused and elite event to connect and “engage” the Member distributors and preferred vendors of the top controls group in the industry.
Disaster plans are one of those things we all know we need, but never get around to creating. That tends to bite our business right in the rear when trouble comes. The weather events of the last few months have brought this topic to the top of everyone’s minds, and I want you to think about acting while the memories are still fresh.