The reason innovations fail is not because of technology. It’s never about the technology. Innovations fail because of people. The people who might employ a new technology may not be sold on it. Or they might be afraid of it. Or they might feel threatened by it. However, the biggest threat to a new innovation your company is trying to develop will be your own people.
Aved Electro-mechanical Box Build Assemblies are fully optimized for design and manufacturability (DFM) to provide a complete connectorized solution that is 100 percent tested for continuity and supplied as a single product with one SKU. In addition to design and procurement, OEM benefits include sourcing based upon real-world experience, process control, 3-D modeling, documentation, and fully evolved manufacturing and testing procedures.
Controls Group North America (CGNA) met in Chicago on Sept. 7-8, for its 2017 Fall Synergy Conference. “Engagement ” was the theme of a very focused and elite event to connect and “engage” the Member distributors and preferred vendors of the top controls group in the industry.
Disaster plans are one of those things we all know we need, but never get around to creating. That tends to bite our business right in the rear when trouble comes. The weather events of the last few months have brought this topic to the top of everyone’s minds, and I want you to think about acting while the memories are still fresh.
The high failure rate or inability to grow beyond a few trucks is due primarily to an entrepreneur’s lack of business training. The technical skills acquired, which are, of course, an asset, soon become a liability in terms of not having mastered business skills necessary for success and profitability.
My first marketing guru was Leo Baron. He taught me the ins and outs of marketing while I was still in my 20s. I was lucky to have access to such a proven marketing genius at such a young age. He had “street cred” from working with some of the top companies in the greater New York area. It was only because he and my dad had been boyhood friends that he decided to do my father a favor and mentor me.
Without people, distributors basically become an empty warehouse, a collection of well-used computers and an assortment of worn out office furniture. Speaking with an assortment of folks looking to purchase distribution businesses — from inside and outside the industry — the conversation typically revolves around three major points — profitability, solid customer relationships, and stability of people.
When a local nonprofit organization focused on training service dogs noticed one of its facilities was not staying cool enough, the phone rang and the problem was solved when an HVAC company was looking to help.
With the continued and growing industry discussions on the pros and cons of HVAC equipment available online and through retail sales, Navien has taken a strong position in support of wholesale distribution only to professionals and against consumer-purchased equipment.