Comfort Experts/Hobson
Air Conditioning has an
interesting history. The 56-yearold
residential service and
replacement company might be
considered a true survivor, and
not just a survivor of the ups
and downs of the challenging
world of HVAC.
I may be coming at this late in the game, but a recent article I read online opened my eyes to the whole digital coupon phenomenon. This is the use of the internet to offer deep discounted coupons and vouchers for products and services to a ton of potential customers.
It’s always nice to get a pat on the back for a job well done. In fact, it’s almost a necessity in today’s workplace environments in order to keep employees satisfied and loyal.
Last October, President Trump surprised many when he announced he would sign an executive order allowing trade associations to sponsor health care coverage that could be sold across state lines.
HVAC contracting is in a unique position at this point in time. Technology is advancing not only on the equipment side but on the business side as well.
eLearning means different things to different people. Sure, it’s a method of education, but more and more we’re starting to see this education taken out of the context of the classroom and utilized in the business arena.
In fact, since 2000, the eLearning industry has grown by nearly 900 percent, and over 77 percent of all U.S. companies already use some form of eLearning technology.
It’s a new year. And, with every New Year holiday, there’s the inevitable resolutions. I know I’ve made hundreds of resolutions — crazy resolutions I knew I would never accomplish. And, for what?
As we start a new year, there’s one question every HVACR owner and manager needs to ask themselves: “How can I make this year even better than the last?”
Have you noticed the number of telephone calls you, as a consumer, receive that are either solicitations or political in nature? Is through the roof an appropriate description?